- let it be clear -Sex cinema GeWoon in Roosendaal is - really véry - different than any other sex related business in Belgium or The Netherlands.
Within the walls of GeWoon in Roosendaal it’s all about the details.
The right way of speaking, of acting, of thinking and of BEING.
Just giving some love to someone else, who - just like you - also is just looking for some positive energy, freedom and love.
Just stop for a moment and think about what the business you’re visiting - really - stands for.

Sick visitors, visitors dealing with life’s big questions, visitors who just lost someone close to them and all other visitors get the full amount of love from the Team members.
Our loving business philosophy is really very simple:
We love people, and the love for our fellow man is prime.
- not money - not turnover - not even sex - but the love for our fellow man is absolutely our basis.
That’s why we do really anything to guarantee the well-being of every visitor.
The last few months the Team members are working much harder than - Normal - to make our loving business philosophy flourish.
You may hardly notice, but while you are enjoying yourself in our play rooms, we are working full-force to defend our business philosophy.
To say it in plain English, quite a number of visitors are coming to benefit from our goodness, without realising that something is certainly expected of them as well.
And that’s why I, Mark - owner of GeWoon in Roosendaal and ultimately responsible manager - will for once and for all make it perfectly clear today, what we expect from our visitors.
If you don’t like it, then stop bothering to fake Acting NORMAL; please stay away!!

If you need to communicate through Google Translate, or only speak a few words of Dutch or English, then we
absolutely will not grant you access to our play rooms.
- We need to be able to explain our house rules to visitors calmly -

If you are coming to score sex, we ask you to please visit another business.
There are no and there never will be any male or female prostitutes present.
There are also no “easy people” present who will just see to “your needs”.
That is not how Acting NORMAL works and so your mentality / behaviour does not fit here.

If you can’t help but limit your expectations to a minimum, please do not visit us.
The Acting NORMAL, including the chance of participating in sex is something that happens in freedom, calm and openness.
People who are hunting (especially Men and Couples), who run after their expectations are spoiling the atmosphere for the other visitors.
Every expectation is a planned disappointment - stop doing that to yourself, the other visitors and especially the Team.

The candy, cookies, bags of crisps, little tomatoes etcetera etcetera, that are spread out on the coffee table are gifts from our visitors.
Everyone is free to take some of that.
We keep seeing more and more people taking hands full of candy (sometimes 5 times) or eat two or three bags of crisps, without any form of shame.
Now if you yourself also bring something to the table very regularly for the other visitors, then okay, still not great, but you - never ever - bring anything for someone else.
(taking, taking, taking, but giving lovingly… forget it)
If you recognize this mentality in yourself, please change real quick, or stop visiting us.

If you see women as third rate citizens, to whom you can shout anything, just don’t visit us.
We are sick to the stomach from the idiotic hunting of women and the insulting remarks made to our female Team members!!
Also, the Gents who keep showing up when certain women announce their visit and then pretend to be Mister Perfect in a bucket of goo, we are really done with!!
Didn’t you want the ladies to have all the - so called - freedom?
Act Normal.

People, please use the men’s room normally for once and for all.
Hang your willy in the urinal and throw the paper in the bin.
The mini wash basin
is not to wash your willy in.
It is completely ridiculous that because of your doing, someone else is standing on a soaking wet floor.
Act normal, or invite me to your birthday, so I can behave the same way in your home
The same goes for all these people who keep their shoes on on our beds.
How’s that? Can I come to your place and walk on your leather couch with stiletto heels? I didn’t think so, right?
If you see things like that happen, just act, GeWoon in Roosendaal friends!!

Every (new) visitor receives an explanation about Acting NORMAL.
The Team pays a lot of attention to that.
Often times we even walk along to our Hotel to give some extra explanation.
Yet certain people apparently seem to not care at all, as soon as there’s no Team member around.
Starting today, we no longer give warnings.Anyone who paid any attention during his or her upbringing is perfectly capable of Acting NORMAL.
It is time to put an end to this now.The final years towards my pension are going to be fun years, which I am personally going to enjoy even more than the first 30.
I prefer to do that with 100 people who embrace and love the Acting NORMAL, than by doing it by getting the turnover of 500 people, who abuse and spoil it.
- also here, let me be perfectly clear -

Relax a little bit, dear readers....
Our unique and moreover
loving business philosphy is not a joke, but our way of living.
We ask you to respect that.
Everyone is more, no really, more than welcome, but invest some of your time in what we stand for, please.
From calm, space, freedom, the right way of communicating, mutual respect and openness the most beautiful things can happen, even the most beautiful and ofcourse consented sex contacts.
Are you looking for a place where you can nicely hunt for sex, or are you someone who hasn’t found the true love for your fellow man in yourself yet (me me me me me), then GeWoon in Roosendaal is not the business that fits you.
I wish you a nice hunt for sex and candy elsewhere, but certainly no longer within the walls of GeWoon in Roosendaal.IF YOU DO NOT INVEST IN OUR ‘ACT NORMAL’ PHILOSOPHY YOU ARE NO LONGER WELCOME.
- let it be clear -Sex cinema GeWoon in Roosendaal is - really véry - different than any other sex related business in Belgium or The Netherlands.
Friendly, relaxed and open-minded people are more than welcome to come and Act NORMAL and also to build further upon the unique atmosphere we created together.I’m looking forward to it and I speak on behalf of the other Team members.
Owner of GeWoon in Roosendaal.